The Must-Haves for Any Survival Kit

8A survival kit is something that every person should have. If you are lucky you’ll never need it. But it is better to have it and not need it than the alternative. The type of emergency you are trying to survive will determine what goes in your kit. For instance, a winter survival kit you put in your car will not be the same type of kit a boater might pack. The items below are items you would need should you be forced to survive outside of your home because society as we know it has collapsed.

These items are meant to go with you, in a bag, and not stockpiled in your home. Often these types of survival kits are called bug out bags. Because you will be carrying this kit with you, it is important that it only contains the most essential items and be easy to carry.

The first thing you need is a bag to carry your things in. The Uber Prepared bag you choose is very important. Using your child’s backpack probably won’t cut it. You need to buy a bag that is specifically for the purpose of bugging out. They are designed to suit your purpose better.

Water is the most crucial thing to your existence. If you find yourself on the go, surviving on the land, you are likely to find lots of water. However, much of it will not be safe to drink.  So, your first priority should be to purchase water purifiers. You have a couple of options when it comes to purifying water: tablets and straws. If you had to choose one, I would opt for the straw because even if you only come upon a puddle you can drink.

Next, you should pack a knife from the site at UberPrepared.Com. There is no better tool when it comes to survival than the knife because it very multi-purpose. You can defend yourself with a knife, hunt with it, prepare food with it and use it build things. Your bag should include at least three knives with the tactical knife being the most important.

A first aid kit should come next. Your first aid kit should have band aids, ointment to prevent infections, gauze and thread and needle so you can stitch up deep cuts. Getting a minor cut is not a big concern when things are normal. But in a survival situation they can be extremely dangerous. So it is crucial that you have a way to address cuts.

I only mentioned a few things in this article. They are the ones I consider the most important, however. There are many other things you can include such as gloves, a gun, food and binoculars for example.  Having two bags, just in case you don’t have access to one, is good idea. You can learn more about this at

The Must-Haves for Any Survival Kit

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