Tips on Buying the Right Survival Equipment

11With major disasters happening frequently around the world, it is advisable to have the best survival equipment. Floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, ice storms, tornadoes, huge fires and hurricanes are some of the common disasters that would easily leave you without food, clean water supply, power and shelter. Although no one wishes to be caught up in an emergency situation, preparing yourself in advance is always the best option. Ensuring that you have the best survival gear to help you stay alive during emergencies should be a priority. In order to make the right purchase, consider following these simple steps.

Know the options available when finding suitable gear for your survival needs. You will want to ask yourself whether you want to go for heavy versus light, expensive versus cheap, or pre-made or do-it-yourself gear pack. More info about this are available in the link. Whichever options you choose, the most important thing is having all the essential equipment needed for survival. Some of the equipment you should have include flashlight, food supplies, clean water, sleeping bag, a good knife, medical supplies, radio, a reliable GPS device, waterproof backpack, basic first aid kit and fire starter. Only buy equipment that is suitable for your survival needs.

Look for the best quality equipment available. Considering the large number of companies selling survival gear and kits, it is important to be careful about the quality of equipment you buy. The best way to avoid buying sub-standard gear is to look for the most established companies specializing in selling survival gear and supplies. Such companies sell complete survival kits that include everything you need. Before making your purchase, compare different reviews of selected survival kits and equipment from various top brands.

Find out about the prices of different survival kits in the market and compare them carefully. You can start comparing here at Online stores list prices of all equipment they sell to help buyers compare prices in an easy and convenient way. If you want to make separate orders for some of your equipment, consider asking for quotes from different sellers online. Remember that you will have to spend if you want reliable and quality survival gear. Plan your budget carefully and have a fixed spending limit. One of the best ways to reduce your shopping expenses is by buying only what you need.

Most people tend to forget that buying a survival kit is one thing, but knowing how to use it effectively is another thing altogether. Are you familiar with simple survival techniques like lighting fire in various weather conditions, making signals, using GPS and giving first aid? To learn about different survival skills and techniques, consider reading tips and guidelines offered by experts. You can also read it here at Once you buy your survival equipment, ensure that accessibility is easy in case of any emergencies. Understanding these simple guidelines will help you make an informed choice when doing your shopping.

Tips on Buying the Right Survival Equipment

Making a Choice of the Ultimate Survival Kit

10With the interest in camping and hiking on the up you will find many newcomers setting up camps in the woods and hiking trails. Campers and hikers move in Big Bend, Yellowstone and Yosemite National parks with the expectation of achieving their goals. Little do they realize what is there in store for them? If you go in there unprepared you may be lucky to get rescued by a ranger or a fellow hiker. It is always better to carry the ultimate survival kit or equipment with you. It comes in very handy when you face the unexpected situations on the way.

Once you have decided the type of the excursion, you can select the equipment at appropriately. But there are certain first tier essentials that must form a part of your kit. Let us take a look.


If you get caught in an unexpected attack, or if you get stuck in a large bushy weed, the knife comes in quite handy. Make sure that it is quickly retrievable and opens with the press of a button. The only thing to take care is that the knife must be quickly retrievable and should click open.

Fire igniter

You will need to light a fire quite often when you are camping or hiking. If you have a fire lighting training it is fine, otherwise you must practice it. It practically becomes very difficult to light a fire when it is raining. Even the best of lighters fail when they are wet. It is advisable to carry emergency tinder in a glass bottle with metal strike lighters. The tinder from the site at is very light in weight and quick to catch fire. Magnesium metal lighters are the preferred strike lighters.


A strong cord which is 10 to 12 feet in length is another important part of the survival kit. To carry 10 feet of a strong chord is easy by tying it around your waist like a belt. When you buy the cord from the market, be sure to check its strength rating. A 550 lbs. rating will suffice for your requirement. Check the structure of the chord which should have around 6 to 8 inner strands with a strong sheath covering on the outside.

After these essential items you can add on the next set of items. Initially the hikers and campers used the satellite phones but now they prefer cell phones. Since signals can be a problem, it is better to check the telecom service provider in the area and the expected coverage.

When you set the camp the LED pinch lights are a great help. A small compass which is liquid filled can help you with the directions. A first aid kit comes in handy to take care of your cuts and bruises and also on inflammations from insect bites. Should you want information on survival kits for earthquakes, the site at is accessible for details.

Making a Choice of the Ultimate Survival Kit

Choosing the Right Survival Equipment

9With so many uncertainties in urban centers today, natural disasters, and terrorism, an emergency can occur and catch you off guard. However, being prepared can help you survive even the most terrible disasters. This is not only about obtaining insurance covers, carrying guns, or always having bodyguards by your side. It is about readiness should anything happen to you.

Being prepared is important for your welfare irrespective of the emergency. Even the American Red Cross advises people to obtain uberprepared survival kits.

Investing in a prepared survival equipment can provide the help you need to be ready for any situation. There are so many survival kits available in the market but it is important to note that there is no standard kit that everyone must use. This means that you should obtain a package that you are comfortable with, and one that makes you confident

Some essential tools at that are crucial regardless of where you are going to, include a knife and a flashlight. Aside from these two, there are a variety of uber prepared survival products in the market such as survival knives, survival tents, survival bracelets, fire starters, water purifiers, survival radios, survival watches, knife sheaths, machetes and others.

You can use the internet to find a prepared survival pack. To help choose the right equipment, there are some factors you need to consider.

The law is one of the most important factor you should consider. There are laws in each country that specify the kind of equipment you can carry, and to where you may carry particular tools like the knives.

It is also important to consider the size of the important. For some equipment, bigger sizes are not as effective as they should, while to others, smaller ones are less effective. It is, therefore, recommended that you get balanced equipment.

How and where you plan on using the survival equipment is essential to consider before buying. You also need to consider the material used to make the survival equipment. Metallic equipment is more recommendable since it lasts longer and does not break or rust easily.

You should also determine of you know how to use the equipment It does not matter how many uber prepared survival equipment you know or own, it is worthless if you do not know how to use it.

With all these factors in mind, only you can decide the features you may or may not want to compromise. You can get more info on survival tools and skills on trusted websites.

In conclusion, keep in mind that a prepared survival equipment does not have any power to save. The true efficiency of survival equipment is determined by the skills of the user. Should you want to read further, continue reading at

Choosing the Right Survival Equipment

The Must-Haves for Any Survival Kit

8A survival kit is something that every person should have. If you are lucky you’ll never need it. But it is better to have it and not need it than the alternative. The type of emergency you are trying to survive will determine what goes in your kit. For instance, a winter survival kit you put in your car will not be the same type of kit a boater might pack. The items below are items you would need should you be forced to survive outside of your home because society as we know it has collapsed.

These items are meant to go with you, in a bag, and not stockpiled in your home. Often these types of survival kits are called bug out bags. Because you will be carrying this kit with you, it is important that it only contains the most essential items and be easy to carry.

The first thing you need is a bag to carry your things in. The Uber Prepared bag you choose is very important. Using your child’s backpack probably won’t cut it. You need to buy a bag that is specifically for the purpose of bugging out. They are designed to suit your purpose better.

Water is the most crucial thing to your existence. If you find yourself on the go, surviving on the land, you are likely to find lots of water. However, much of it will not be safe to drink.  So, your first priority should be to purchase water purifiers. You have a couple of options when it comes to purifying water: tablets and straws. If you had to choose one, I would opt for the straw because even if you only come upon a puddle you can drink.

Next, you should pack a knife from the site at UberPrepared.Com. There is no better tool when it comes to survival than the knife because it very multi-purpose. You can defend yourself with a knife, hunt with it, prepare food with it and use it build things. Your bag should include at least three knives with the tactical knife being the most important.

A first aid kit should come next. Your first aid kit should have band aids, ointment to prevent infections, gauze and thread and needle so you can stitch up deep cuts. Getting a minor cut is not a big concern when things are normal. But in a survival situation they can be extremely dangerous. So it is crucial that you have a way to address cuts.

I only mentioned a few things in this article. They are the ones I consider the most important, however. There are many other things you can include such as gloves, a gun, food and binoculars for example.  Having two bags, just in case you don’t have access to one, is good idea. You can learn more about this at

The Must-Haves for Any Survival Kit

What Equipment to Pack for Your Hike

7It is important to prepare for a hike trip by proper planning. Have a list of the gears and equipment you will need to get for your hiking trip. The type of gears or equipment you pack will depend on the type of trip you intend to take, the length and duration of the hike as well as the destination of the hike taking into consideration the type of terrain. Even though, there are certain things that must be considered when choosing a terrain, make sure that you know what to bring on your trip some of which include the following.


Every hiker know how important it is to have something in which to carry your luggage. There are things that every hiker must bring wherever they go. Some of the things that you can stress in your backpack include medication, clean water, warm socks and extra clothing just to mention a few. Anything else you need within reach should be stored in your backpack hence the need to choose the very best backpack you can.

Supportive footwear

Before embarking on an outdoor trip you need to ensure that you bring with you uber prepared supportive footwear. The only way to enjoy a hike trip is if you are comfortable in what you wear. Make sure you bring an extra pair of supportive shoes just in case you need to change in the middle of your journey. Packing the right shoes for your trip can help make your trip enjoyable.

Compass direction and maps to the place

Most outdoor adventures are meant to be fun and exciting. What this translates to is the lack of rangers and tour guides. It is expected that you will trace your way to a safe campsite where you can spend the night before starting to in the morning. What this means is that you should find your way no matter how challenging this is. Having a map and compass direction makes things easier. It is advisable to sharpen your map reading and interpretation skills before taking any trip.

Safety wear

It is impossible to predict the weather of a place especially if you are hiking. Bringing an extra pair of pants, jackets and any other clothing that you expect to use will be helpful. In case the weather turns out to be hot, the sunglasses and hats from the site at you packed will come to your remedy. You may also pack a space blanket for extra warmth during cold nights.

Protection tools

The fact that you are camping in the outdoors means that you are under serious threats. It is important that you pack something that you can use to protect yourself in case of danger. Items such as pocket knives, whistles and first aid kits are important in case of emergencies. If ever you want to learn how to pack survival kits, you can go to the site at for it.

What Equipment to Pack for Your Hike